Meet The Founder

I'm Shreya, the chief mischief-maker at Kutti Lulu. Born and raised in the hustle and bustle of Madras, India, I now navigate the circus of life in London with my kutti tribe. I dabbled in various professional roles that never quite fit, like a woolly jumper on a balmy summer's eve. Unexpectedly, I found my true calling in the amusing chaos of mumhood.

Ary, a dinosaur enthusiast and unicorn whisperer, spins the most whimsical tales, always with her fairy crown. Meanwhile, Mittai, in his shiny rainbow tutu, only pauses his twirling for escapades with his choo-choo trains and cuddles. Together, they’ve transformed everyday moments into wild adventures fuelled by curiosity, wonder, and mischief, teaching me more than I ever imagined.

My search for clothing that matched their vibrant personalities left me craving just a bit more. And in a burst of inspiration, Kutti Lulu was born—an ode to my very own cheeky monkeys, a celebration of their wild imaginations and spirited personalities.

Quirky confession: My love for PJs is so deep, I vowed to marry in them! This PJ passion has clearly brushed off on my lulus—at our home, PJs are a way of life—our happy uniform—day and night, indoors and out!

Naturally, Kutti Lulu’s debut collection is a cheeky wink to our family’s quirk—colourful and comfy PJs, inspired by our wildlings and the spirit of childhood.

So, come join me on this whimsical adventure. Here's to us, our kutti lulus, and the captivating tales we're about to weave together.